This past Thursday through Sunday I went with a group of women to southern Bahia for a seminar called “Women of the Northeast in Search of Justice and Economic Solidarity and Autonomy” with the Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe indigenous group (indígenos).

After 8 hours, we turned on a smaller two-lane road winding into the mountains to the small town of Pau Brasil, which is nominally the home of the Pataxó. In reality, they live out in the country on about 53,000 hectares of land (about 200 square miles). This is where things got interesting! The sun had gone down, and some guys from the community were waiting for us in town to guide us out to the location of the meeting. We turned onto a dirt (mud) road and spent the next two hours bumping and sliding our way to the farm and community center of the Agua Vermelha branch of the Pataxó. At one point, we got stuck going up a hill. We all got out to push, but our feet had no traction in the mud (not that it would have done any good trying to push a bus!). We ended up having to dig a little before the bus could maneuver its way backwards away from the ditch that was precariously close to causing the bus to tip over. While we were stopped, someone came out of a house nearby and asked the guys who were guiding us if they would take a girl to the hospital, they carried her out to the car in agony. I have no idea what she had—dengue, malaria, tetanus—but she looked like she would die of pain any moment. They turned around and went back to town, and we relied on Patricia, a young Pataxó indígena who was accompanying us from Salvador, to guide us the rest of the way.
Once we arrived , (I thought) all the women went inside the house while Sergio and I waited on the porch.

Things got started the next morning really early. We had breakfast in the kitchen in the house next to the community center, which I learned belonged to Maura, the matriarch, and her family. Her son, Paulo, is the leader of the Agua Vermelha branch of the Pataxó. His brother, Luiz, is a representative of the Pataxó to the federal government. (He was in Brasilia when this event started and didn’t arrive home until Saturday night after the seminar was over.)

I didn’t expect to see any Pataxó ritual while I was there. I don’t know why—perhaps because it was a seminar being led by Marlene and ITEBA. But the seminar began with a ritual blessing by Paulo, accompanied by dancing and singing. Dancing and singing were a key element of the whole weekend, with five extended periods of ritual, starting and ending each day and an extra one at night to teach the young people the songs. Instead of describing it in detail, I’m including two clips of video. The first one took place in the evening of the first day, and started as a youth activity to teach the younger kids the songs. But as time passed, others joined in. This clip is about halfway through the hour ritual, and has some nice moments. The second clip (further down in this blog entry) is the morning of the second day, and includes a pretty intense segment of Paulo going into trance.
Briefly, I would describe the music and dance as a typical variant of almost all indigenous American music. They used rattles to keep a beat, and marched in short steps two to a beat. The songs were all quite melodious, and usually had a simple A-B form. The lyrics were a combination of Portuguese and Pataxó languages with periods of vocables. There was a little bit of call-response between men and women. As the ritual progressed, the dancing became more energetic, and the tonal center modulated upward until the men really had to strain to hit the notes. They didn’t use any falsetto like one would find among the Plains Indians of North America.
Attending the seminar were women from several Pataxó communities. Some had walked 40 kilometers (about 25 miles) to get there.

Over the three sessions, the women were to come up with some concrete ways to find sovereignty over their own lives, both in their health needs and economic autonomy. In the first session, they were divided into three groups, and were told to make an inventory of ways they didn’t have autonomy or solidarity in their lives. The second session was devoted to identifying one thing from all the groups’ lists that was common and would be most likely to affect change. This turned out to be the creation of an association that would meet regularly and would represent women to the outside and to other organizations (some indigenous, some not). There was disagreement over the viability of creating an association. After all, how many women could take time from their responsibilities in the home to make the trek to a meeting place? What if women who weren’t at the seminar wanted to participate? What if different communities had different ideas or disagreements? The second session ended with things very much up in the air.
The next morning began with ritual, but this is when Paulo found his orixá (with the help of the substance he was smoking, which wasn’t marijuana or tobacco, but definitely had the effect of a drug) and spoke with the authority of god and ancestors to everyone gathered, including observers such as Sergio and me. His messages to a particular few were evident, despite the fact that his supernatural tongue was unintelligible. He took Patricia out of the circle for a special admonishment to remember her roots and respect her elders. He told me to take the story of his people back to America. He wept upon reaching his younger brother, who has 5 children and has a hard life. And when he reached one of the elderly indigenous women who was sick, he drew out the sickness, gagging as though it had transferred from her to him. At this point, Maura brought him more smoke. The process of going into trance and coming out of trance was painful, and a bit excruciating to watch. Like I said, it was intense!
After the special visit from the orixá, the women found common ground and consensus, and agreed to the formation of an association for the betterment of their constituency. Tears were shed by Patricia as she addressed Maura, the matriarch, directly. Tears were shed by Maura in return. Everyone from ITEBA made a speech, including me (yikes!—public speaking in a language different from one’s own is definitely a scary experience). Then several men decided that since I, as a man, was given a chance to speak, then they, too, needed to speak. They all had nice things to say in support of women and their efforts, though I wonder when it comes to brass tacks whether they will be as supportive.
Because things ran long, Sergio decided we should stay another night rather than drive after dark, which is dangerous because of highway bandits. All of the people from other communities departed, leaving only Maura and her large family (four sons were there by this time), some of the neighbors, and us. Sergio disappeared in the middle of the afternoon, going to town with one of the guys in their car to buy stuff for the night’s requisite festivities. Some of the teenagers were hanging around on the veranda drinking cachaça and singing songs accompanied by makeshift percussion instruments.

After trekking out to the bus, Sergio managed to get it stuck in the mud again while trying to turn around in the small space, and it took the whole tribe about two hours to dig it out. I think Sergio was a bit embarrassed and mad at being stuck, so he did most of the digging. The Pataxó guys weren’t too thrilled to have to work so hard at 8:00am, wearing clean clothes and sporting hangovers.

I could go on for days describing what I saw, speculating about the culture and family dynamics, and commenting on the various attitudes towards their native culture, but I’ll let the pictures speak for me, and my speculation/impressions probably aren’t accurate enough to be in print, anyway.
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